He swallowed to moisten his throat.
Va empassar per humitejar-se la gola.
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Also he knew that, beside scratching the own pocket, he was asking for money the friendship and to persons that he was visiting.
També sabia que, a més d’escurar-se les butxaques pròpies, demanava diners a les amistats i a persones que visitava.
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I cleared my throat very often.
Em vaig escurar la gola moltes vegades.
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Throat clearing, grunting, and coughing are all common vocal tics.
Aclarir-se la gola, escurar, esbufegar i tossir són tics vocals freqüents.
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The patient’s throat feels swollen.
La gola del pacient sembla inflamada.
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The larynx is part of the throat.
La laringe forma part de la gola.
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In the moment of silence someone cleared his throat.
En aquell moment de silenci algú es va escurar la gola.
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She was in pain, and her throat burned.
Tenia dolor i la gola li cremava.
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It happens when the throat becomes irritated or inflamed.
Es produeix quan s’irrita o s’inflama la gola.
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The majority have a bald spot on the throat.
La majoria presenten una clapa nua a la gola.
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